Spring Attendance Guidelines
Guidelines for Tournament Play
Eighteen players is the ideal roster size. Assuming a player is healthy, the minimum playing time for field players during the tournament is an average of 1/3 of each game. Double rostering for the tournament – A player may apply to be on the roster of a secondary Breakers team. The coach of the secondary team will determine who will be double-rostered and, before each tournament game, which double rostered players, if any, will suit up. A player may not play more than 1/4 of each game for their secondary team, until their primary team has completed all of their tournament games. Goalies are exempt from this provision. No players will be cut from practices or Spring games. If necessary, however, after four weeks of outdoor games, the coaches will determine rosters for the teams traveling to the annual summer tournament. In the case of over-populated teams: |
Veteran Players- Players who have participated in this national tournament with the Breakers in the past are delineated as “Veteran Players.” In general, Veteran Players will play for their eldest eligible team. If the team roster is over capacity with Veteran Players, then the youngest player(s), in order of youngest birthday, will be rostered with the next youngest team. |
New Players – Players who have not participated in this national tournament with the Breakers in the past are delineated “New Players.” In general, New Players will play for their eldest eligible team. If the team roster is over capacity, the youngest New Player (s), in order of youngest birthday, will be rostered on the next youngest team with space on their roster. This could be the next youngest team or the next youngest after that, if there is one. Thus, New Players cannot “bump’ Veteran Players from a roster. Unforeseen circumstances: If unforeseen circumstances arise during a tournament, the Breakers coaches and the Breakers Steering Committee shall meet together to determine a solution. |
The Breakers committee has the right to change the above guidelines at any time to best suit the majority of all of the teams. |